313 Mentoring

313 Mentoring

Join our group of Freedom Fighters as we help change the world

313’s mentorship happens online or in person; so, you don’t have to be local!

We offer 6-month and yearlong mentorship to help you wherever you might be. Through the Word of God and guidance from the Holy Spirit we have seen women set free of depression, anxiety, suicide, and fear.

Our mentors have experience with Inner Healing & Deliverance and have gone through trainings/mentorship as well.

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Our Core Values in Mentorship

The meaning behind the heptagon

We believe that God’s number of completion is 7. Therefore, our mentorship program operates from 7 core values as our mentors/mentees strive to continue becoming the people that God created each to be.

 .01/ We believe in order to be raised into the person that God has created in you, it begins with having a firm foundation in God alone. (Matthew 7:24-27)

.02/ We believe in order to grow and disciple others, you must be connected to the source which is the word of God. (John 1:1; John 15)

.03/ We believe in order to make disciples it is wise to observe those who have gone before us. (Proverbs 1:5)

.04/ We believe in being connected to the church and seeking wise counsel from those within. (Hebrews 13:7)

.05/ We believe that people must act from the words God has provided. (James 2:14-17)

.06/ We believe in building up others in the body of Christ and those outside the city as well. (Hebrews 13:13)

.07/ We believe that each of us has a role in the Kingdom of God and it is our job to expand the Kingdom. We believe in equipping others to transform and share the gospel in each place the Lord has them. (Matthew 28:19-20)